How to Start a Resume Writing Service

Cv Writing Services
Cv Writing Services

A resume is often the first and only chance for a job seeker to impress a potential employer. Resumes are often the first and last chance a job seeker has to make an impression on a potential employer. Unfortunately, too often resumes are ignored. According to a Business2Community article:

  • The average time recruiters spend looking at a resume: 5-7 seconds.
  • 76% of resumes are dropped by an unprofessional email address.
  • Only 35% are qualified to apply for the jobs they have applied for.

Most resumes are boring lists of skills and experiences, or they try to stand out by doing something unique, which ends up getting them rejected. The important thing to understand about resumes is that they are a marketing tool.

  • Many people have what it takes to get the job done, but don’t have a resume that adequately demonstrates their skills and experience. This is when they hire a professional resume writer.

Overview of a Resume Writing Business

Resume writers convert the information from job seekers into a document that can help them stand out to potential employers. Resume writing fees for a work-from-home typically range between $400 and $1,100, according to Martin Yates, author of Knock ‘Em Dead: The Ultimate Job Search Guide 2016. your needs. For example, an entry-level resume would be at the bottom, around $400. But an executive resume, or one in a specific area like technology, will cost more. Part of this has to do with the amount of information that goes into a resume. A college graduate has a shorter resume than an executive looking to change jobs. Many resume writers promise a quick turnaround—some within hours—to eager clients willing to pay extra for a quick turnaround. Resume packages often also include a cover letter and occasionally follow-up letters.

Providing a CV writing service not only requires you to know how to best present candidates, but also interview skills and possibly career coaching advice.

The advantage of starting a resume writing service is that it has very low upfront costs, can be run from home (or anywhere) on a full or part time basis, and does not require any specific education or training, although people with a background in human resources or recruitment are at an advantage.

Prospective of a Resume Writing Service Job in Home Business

  • Low startup costs.
  • The need for well-written CVs is virtually cost-effective; workers are looking for progress in good times and basic employment in bad times.
  • You can run your LLC part-time or full-time.
  • No formal training is required, although a background in human relations or recruitment is a definite plus.
  • You can manage your business from anywhere around the globe using email, messaging, VoIP, or video calls.

Cons of a Home Business Resume Writing Job

  • In a bad economy, when people need your services, they often cannot afford them.
  • It can be difficult to maintain a steady stream of clients, although you can supplement through other services, such as career coaching, or offering other types of freelance writing.
  • Resume writing is not as artistically satisfying as other writing activities.
  • There’s a lot of competition.
  • Although you don’t necessarily need to have specific training or certification, having a background in recruitment, HR, or certification can help you increase your marketability, and make you more attractive.

What do you need to get started

A resume writing business is similar to any other business. You must choose a name and decide on the structure of your company.

In terms of starting a resume service specifically, you must have or know:

  • Writing skills. Write correctly, read resumes. Resumes can be used as marketing tools. It is important to be able to “sell” the candidate.
  • Good interview skills to assess your client’s background, skills, experiences and abilities.
  • What types of resumes will you write. Will you center around a particular specialty or market?
  • Develop your business and your marketing plans.
  • Create your marketing tools including business cards, website, LinkedIn profile and other items that you can use to appeal to your target market.
  • A computer, good printer, CD burner, quality stationery, templates you can create yourself, and an Internet connection.


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